Neighborhood Plan – Infrastructure Recommendations

IMG_7148 (1)The West Loop Community Organization held a workshop on February 16, 2017, to gather input from the community about needed infrastructure improvements around the neighborhood.  NoWL supported this effort with an online survey that garnered feedback from residents. A similar event focused on potential uses of Neighborhood Opportunity Bonus dollars was held on November 28, 2017.  The following list includes data gathered through these efforts and the Neighborhood Plan workshops.

4.1  Infrastructure repairs should be made in a more timely fashion, commensurate with other areas that are classified as downtown zoning districts. This includes broken sidewalks and ADA pedestrian crossing pads that create a safety hazard.

4.2  West Loop residents want more infrastructure amenities like trash/recycling cans (e.g., solar powered) on street corners at the same density as other areas zoned as “downtown”.

4.3  Street lighting should be improved in poorly-lit areas both by the City and by developers through the installation of exterior lighting on their buildings, e.g., near Skinner West Elementary, along Lake Street (see recommendation 6.3).

4.4  Public art projects should be encouraged (see recommendation 1.11).

4.5  The City should provide more consistent upkeep and more regular planting and trimming of trees.

4.6  Residents in the West Loop are divided on the draft West Loop Design Guidelines recommendation to remove planters along Madison Street. Existing planter installations should be removed near intersections to support corner pedestrian bump-outs but retained in mid-block locations to optimize safety, roadway capacity, and aesthetics.