The Neighbors of West Loop has several committees that oversee different parts of the organization. If you’d like to get involved with any of the groups listed below, please contact The committees include:
The NoWL Development Committee works with aldermen and other representatives from the 25th, 27th, 28th, and 42nd Wards to evaluate new development projects in the West Loop. (You can find your Chicago Ward here.) The committee hears presentations from local developers at monthly meetings, posts a summary on the NoWL blog page, and issues a position letter to the alderman after the community meeting (required for zoning changes.
Please email committee chair Matt Letourneau to become a corresponding member of the committee.
Parks & Green Space
NoWL believes vibrant, safe parks and public spaces are key to building a great West Loop, and our Parks Committee works to improve and create public spaces to benefit the area. It works with Chicago Park Advisory Councils to support existing parks and events, as well as residents, government entities, and other stakeholders to improve and create new public spaces to meet the needs of the West Loop community. This includes parks, community gardens, farmer’s markets, dog parks and community centers.
Please email Co-chairs May Toy and Leigh Wang to get involved with the committee.

The Events committee is a group of volunteers that handles everything from planning and securing the venues for NoWL events, to sending out “Thank You” cards. Events can be social gatherings designed around fun, but they also can serve as opportunities to bring the community together to discuss specific issues in a town-hall meeting setting.
Please contact chair: Jennifer Kosse to help with NoWL events.
Public Safety/CAPS
The partnership between police and community is the foundation of Chicago’s own philosophy of community policing, known as CAPS — the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy. CAPS is the foundation of this committee, and the vision is to enhance communication within the West Loop community to make our neighborhoods as safe as possible. NoWL believes that we can only make things safer in the community by working together, being proactive and having communication with each other.
Please email Chair Sue Weber to get more involved in making our neighborhood safer.

NoWL devotes funds raised toward our organization’s mission. Part of that mission is supporting charities in the neighborhood both by contributing our time and funding. NoWL has contributed time and funding to numerous charitable organizations in the community including Chicago Neighbors United, Dreams for Kids, the Chicago Police Memorial Fund, Ronald McDonald House, Local First Chicago, Chicago Urban Family, World Bicycle Relief Organization and many others. The vision is to formalize our efforts to make the most positive impact on our community.
Please email David Clark if you would like to get involved with our Philanthropy Committee.
For the West Loop to continue to thrive into the future, NoWL believes that fostering education and the nourishment of families and children is a must. Many of our events are designed to bring families together, and our Board has contributed time and money to local groups and events to further that vision. The Board is looking for a West Loop resident(s) to continue this effort and take our efforts to the next level. In the meantime, we encourage you to check out West Loop Families, a community organization that brings family programs and events to the West Loop.
Please contact us if you would like to play a leadership role with this committee.

As it states in NoWL’s mission statement, “we engage those who want to participate in positive collaboration for improving our vibrant neighborhoods.” That is what we strive to do. In addition to sending out a weekly email newsletter about news and events in our neighborhoods, our vision is to foster original content and perspective from the residents of the West Loop. We want to bring our mission to life through social media and live engagement.
Please email Chair Brian Ferber to get connected with the Communications Committee.